Friday, January 16, 2009

Claim Statement

With midterms hanging over our heads, I thought it would be appropriate to discuss the schedule that so many dislike. Complaints from both students and teachers make it quite obvious that we need a change, and I believe that if we only one midterm per day, they would all be satisfied.

One reason why this would be beneficial is that it gives students more time to study for a particular class. With the system we have now, there is always a handful of students who have two difficult tests on the same day. There are also those who have nothing or only one class on some days. By changing the schedule, all students have an equal chance at performing at the top of their level. And while some may argue that there is plenty of time to study beforehand and in class rather than the night before, completing two completely different tests just ten minutes apart is unfair, especially if other students do not have to. It would be more beneficial to spread out the days and simplify the students' lives. This way, everyone will have the same opportunity to successfully complete the exams at their full potential.

A major concern for those against this claim is that it would almost double the amount of days spent on midterms. However, one must look at who else benefits from it. This schedule would be extremely helpful to teachers who are under the pressures of grading papers and submitting grades for report cards. With so much extra time, teachers would be more inclined to focus on the job at hand and stop worrying about everything else that must be accomplished. Like the students, teachers need time to think about one subject. If Mrs. Latham is grading Algebra papers while also correcting those for the Pre Calc students and finalizing grades, there is a good chance that a mistake could be made. With less stress, it is less likely that errors will be made.

However, it does come into question whether or not a two hour exam would be considered a full day. If not, the amount of time student will be given to complete the exam may be extended. There are good and bad sides to this. First of all, in order to compensate for the extra time the exams will also be elongated. And although students may not agree on this point, it is beneficial to those who need more time and know the material. It is only fair that if you have more time to study at home that there be more material on the test. Coming from the point of view of a student, having an extra hour far outweighs the addition of extra parts to the test because there is less stress. Having more time enables you to go back and check your work.

In the long run, having only one midterm per day is beneficial to both the students and the teachers.